Sometimes we take being healthy for granted until for some reason we become ill or find it difficult to cope.
In the last decade there has been unprecedented interest on the part of individuals in their own health care. People want to participate in their own health care and governments are keen to encourage them in order to cut down on increasing health cost.
Investigating personal health and well-being
Consider how healthy you are. You know how unpleasant it is to feel unwell but what does being healthy really mean? A person who is in good health is someone whose body is working at maximum efficiency mentally and physically.
Here are some factors which affect your health:
Organism, microbes, parasites
National services relating to health and welfare
Read more in Conditions and Diseases
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In addition to these factors, increasing attention is being paid to lifestyle factors. Why do cancer, diabetes, heart disease and strokes occur particularly in our western society?
The quest for finding out is known as epidemiology. Epidemiologists are now identifying `lifestyle’ factors, particularly diet and lack of exercise, as causes of health problems. We all have the power to influence our own health.
The effects of lack of exercise
It is often said that the people who would benefit most from exercise feel least like taking it! Certainly lack of exercise contributes to obesity, cardiovascular problems, muscle weakness and stress.
Effect of stress
Stress is a condition which can result from many different life activities and events. Some stress can be good for us and can be used positively. But in certain situations it can be detrimental to our mental and physical health.
The effects of lack of sleep
Different people need different amounts of sleep. Adults average eight hours a night, older people need less and younger people more.
While we sleep our bodies repair themselves. Good sleep is vital for the processes of renewal in the body. A person who is deprived of sleep experiences great difficulty in concentrating and dealing with even simple problems.
If we are unable to sleep properly, it may indicate that we are worried, drinking too much alcohol or taking insufficient exercise.
There is nothing better than natural sleep and people who are experiencing problems might consider some of the following remedies:
Taking more exercise – try walking or jogging
Having a milky drink before bed
Avoiding rich, highly spiced foods
Reading before going to sleep
Trying a mental task like counting sheep
Keeping warm
Cutting down on noise
Not smoking in the bedroom
Having a really comfortable bed
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